
Enable patients to book appointments in your EMR schedule without needing to review or approve their requests.

How does autobooking work for patients?

When a patient selects an autobooking appointment type during the chat, they are prompted to enter their personal healthcare number. Mikata checks to see if there is an existing chart in your EMR for that patient. If a chart is found, the patient sees available appointment times from your EMR. Once they select and confirm their desired appointment time, Mikata will book the appointment in your EMR. Upon successful completion of this process, the patient sees a booking summary.

If a patients personal healthcare number does not exist in your EMR, they will be bumped into a basic appointment request chat flow after 3 attempts.

If you have booking notifications on for autobooking, the patient will receive a confirmation message via SMS or email (including any prep instructions and/or forms you've attached to that touchpoint). After that, the patient will receive any other automated messages (e.g., reminders, check-ins, follow-ups) that are a part of their appointment journey.

Just like our advanced appointment request, if none of the available appointment times work, the patient can tap "No times work" in the upper righthand corner, and they will be redirected to a basic appointment request.

Are there any limits on how many appointments a patient can autobook?

Yes, a patient can only autobook one appointment per day. For parents and/or caregivers trying to book appointments for more than one patient, they must complete the chat using the personal healthcare number for the first patient, and then restart the chat and complete it using the personal healthcare number for the second patient, and so on.

How do I add autobooking to my appointment booking chatbot?

To begin, decide which appointment types should be autobooked and whether you want to further restrict autobooking to patients who have a designated primary care provider. Then, schedule a session with our Customer Success team to design your appointment booking chat and connect it with your EMR schedule.

Last updated