Checking Appointment Status & Details

Completion status and patient details

On the 'Appointments' page, you can see who has confirmed or requested to reschedule their appointment. You can also check if patients have checked in (if enabled by your clinic), and whether they have completed their assigned tasks.

Use the image below to view the status of appointments and navigate to the Patient Details page.

1. Appointment Status

  • The 'appointment status' shows whether the patient has confirmed, or requested to cancel/reschedule their appointment.

  • Under appointment status there are 6 different statuses:

On hold

Changing the status of an appointment to 'On hold', will pause Mikata touchpoints from being sent to the patient. To resume touchpoint notifications, simply change the status back to 'Pending' or 'Staff contacted'.

Any touchpoints that the patient would have received while 'on hold' will NOT be sent, even when the status is changed back to pending or staff contacted.

Please note: Patients will NOT receive any notifications about the status being changed.



A clinic has 7- and 2-day touchpoints for an appointment, and changes the Appointment Status to 'On hold' 8 days before the appointment, then switches the status to 'Pending' or 'Staff contacted' 4 days before the appointment.

This patient will ONLY get the 2-day reminder because their appointment status was on hold when the 7-day touchpoint was supposed to be sent.


If a patient has responded something other than 'confirm' or 'reschedule', you will see the 'Unclear' appointment status and the patient will receive your standard unclear response message.

An example of this is shown below:

If you want to check a patient's response, visit the appointment details page.

Check-in Status (add-on)

  • If your clinic has this enabled, the 'check-in status' shows whether a patient has checked in for their appointment. You can choose when the patient will receive the check-in touchpoint (e.g., 1 hour before the appointment).

2. Chats

  • The 'Chats' shows the completion status of tasks for the patient.

  • Each circle represents a task for the patient to complete (e.g., fill in a form).

  • Hover over each circle to see additional information or go to the the appointment details page 👇.

3. Appointment Details:

  • To view more details about the appointment and assigned tasks, click on the document icon on the right side of the patient's appointment.

The appointment details pages includes:

A) Patient information (patient name, provider, appointment date and time, the appointment reason, contact information and patient ID).

B) Contact preferences, where you can subscribe and unsubscribe patients into Mikata touchpoints.

  • To unsubscribe a patient, toggle the switch off next to their contact method (I.e., SMS, Email, Voice).

IMPORTANT: Mikata will send a notification to every contact method that has a green checkmark. Depending on your account preferences, you may need to turn off more than one method if the patient does not want to receive any messages.

Please note: Patients can also unsubscribe and resubscribe into notifications themselves. For more information click here.

C) Chat summaries, where you can view the tasks assigned to the patient.

  • If you click on 'View Details' next to chat summaries, there's a QR code, which opens the patients online hub for their appointment.

D) Chat transcripts, which show all messages sent to and from the patient.

E) The Patient Timeline, which shows all changes made to a patient's appointments, online requests or demographics.

  • Scroll to see all changes, use the Oldest to Newest or Newest to Oldest to sort the timeline or use 'Command + F' to search.

Sending a direct message to a patient

You can also use the appointment details page to send the patient an on-demand message, if this feature is available to you! Click on the 'message patient' button next to 'patient details'.

For more information about sending direct messages to patients check out the Clinic-Initiated Direct Messages article.

Last updated