📍Appointment Journeys

Welcome to Appointment Journeys! This page on your Mikata dashboard shows a list of all appointment journeys for your clinic.

Appointment journeys determine what information and tasks a patient receives, and when they receive them. Patients fall into specific appointment journeys based on 'triggers' (i.e., the provider, location, and reason for the appointment).

Please use the diagram below to help navigate the Appointment Journeys section of the app.

  1. Triggers:

  • Mikata uses 3 different triggers for patient journeys:

Please note that appointments will fall into the first journey that matches the information it comes into Mikata with (appointment type/ reason, location, and provider).

  1. Appointment Journey Touchpoints:

  • Appointment Journey Touchpoints are the automated messages that go out to patients (i.e., automated booking notification, reminder, follow-up, and check-in touchpoints).

  • For a brief overview of automated touchpoints, visit the Automated Touchpoints article.


  • The circle represents the appointment.

  • Touchpoints to the left of the circle are sent before the appointment and touchpoints to the right are sent after.

  • The numbers in the touchpoints depict the number of days before or after the message goes out to patients.

This is what the appointment journey looks like for this example:

  1. Patient books appointment and receives booking confirmation message.

  2. 7 days before their appointment the patient receives an automated message about their upcoming appointment.

  3. Patient goes to their appointment.

  4. 7 days after their appointment the patient receives an automated follow-up message about their appointment.

  5. 14 days after their appointment the patient receives a second automated follow-up message about their appointment.

Please note:

  • A "booked" touchpoint goes out 5-10 minutes after the appointment has been booked in the day sheet of your EMR or RIS.

  • For integrated RIS clinics, a "cancelled" touchpoint goes out for 5-10 minutes after the appointment has been cancelled and an HL7 message has been pushed.

  1. Status

  • Published journeys are shown in green. This indicates that it is an active journey and is currently going out to patients.

  • Unpublished journeys are shown in grey. This indicates that the journey is inactive and messages in this journey will not be sent to patients until it has been published.

    • Please note that patients booked under the appointment types that are triggers in an unpublished journey will automatically fall into the base journey.

Preview Journey

  • Use the preview journey feature to simulate an appointment!

  • The appointment journey preview enables you to input an appointment location, provider, and reason and then preview the sequence of touchpoints Mikata will send.

  • The preview will also show you what appointment journey the patient falls into based on the criteria chosen.

Last updated