🙋Request Help

Can't find the answers you're looking for? Request help from our outstanding Customer Success Specialists using the form below.

Please DO NOT share any personal health information in the help request (e.g., patient's name, personal health number, etc.).

Have you forgotten your Mikata password?

Please get in touch with your clinic's Mikata account administrator or Clinic Manager for any password resets.

Exception: If you are a provider using Mika AI Medical Scribe, please create a help request to reset your password below.

When we're online

We're online Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm MT, excluding holidays.

When we're online, we will review and respond to your request by the end of the day.

If you mark your request as a critical issue, we will review and respond to your request within 15 minutes (Please note: Submitting a critical issue is like pulling the fire alarm 🚒 - only use it if the platform is completely unavailable or you're experiencing widespread disruption). Note: Upcoming Holiday - July 1st, 2024 In celebration of Canada Day, Mikata will not be available online on Monday, July 1st, 2024. We'll be back to respond to your inquiries on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024. Should you encounter emergencies or widespread outages, please contact us via the emergency line at +1-877-749-3222 ext 1 for immediate assistance.


We will get back to you as soon as we're back online (i.e., the next business day). If you experience a critical issue when we're not online, you can call 877-749-3222 ext 1 to reach our after hours critical issue team.

Create your help request

Last updated