Task Types

Currently, Mikata handles Booking tasks, allowing patients to request or book appointments online through an interactive chatbot. Clinics have three types of booking options to choose from, providing flexibility based on their needs:

1. Basic Appointment Requests

Patients select a general day of the week and time of day that works best for them. Your team reviews the request and manually books the patient into the EMR based on availability.

  • Use case: Ideal for clinics where appointment scheduling requires more hands-on management.

  • Fallback option: If a patient can't find an appropriate time in an advanced request or autobooking, or are not associated with an exisiting patient file, they will be redirected to a basic appointment request.

  • Notifications: Required for this task type to keep both clinic and patient informed.

2. Advanced Appointment Requests

Patients select specific days and times for their appointment. Your team reviews the request and schedules the patient into the EMR, if possible, based on the chosen slots.

  • Use case: Best for patients who prefer to choose exact times but still require confirmation from the clinic.

  • Notifications: Required to update patients on their booking status.

3. Autobooking

Patients choose from real-time available appointment slots in your EMR and book directly into the EMR without requiring clinic review or approval.

  • Use case: Perfect for streamlining appointment scheduling for exisiting patients in the EMR.

  • Restrictions: Only available to patients with an existing EMR chart. Optionally, you can limit it to patients with a designated primary provider.

Last updated