👨‍💼Appointment Requests & Autobooking

Enable patients to book appointments at your clinic through an online chatbot that shows them real-time appointment availability from your EMR.

How does it work?

Mikata offers the ability for patients to request/book their appointments online. There are a few ways to give patients access to the booking chatbot:

  • A QR code that patients can scan to access the chat.

  • A widget that can be attached to your website for patients to click on and access the chat.

  • A link to the booking chat, which patients can request by texting your clinic's designated Mikata number.

The patient can access the chat and enter the information that you need to book their appointment.

Chats are customizable, so you can get the information you need.

Types of Appointment Booking Chatbots

There are 3 different types of booking chatbots available in Mikata:

  1. Basic Appointment Requests

    • The patient selects a general day of the week and time of day that works best for them. Your team then reviews the request and books the patient into the EMR based on their preferences (if possible).

    • Mikata's basic appointment requests are a default in the booking chatbot. If a patient is completing an advanced request or autobooking and they are unable to find a time that works for them, they will be bumped into a basic appointment chat.

    • Booking notifications are required with this booking request.

  2. Advanced Appointment Requests

    • The patient selects specific days and times for their appointment. Your team then reviews the request and books the patient into the EMR based on their selections (if possible).

    • Booking notifications are required with this booking request.

  3. Autobooking

    • Autobooking enables patients to select an appointment time from available times in your EMR schedule, and then book their appointment directly into your EMR schedule without requiring review or approval from your team.

    • IMPORTANT: At this time, autobooking only works for patients who have an existing chart in your EMR. You can further restrict this to patients who have a primary provider designated in their chart. Patients who do not have a chart (or a primary provider, if you've added that restriction) will be redirected from autobooking to a basic appointment request.

    • Booking notifications are not required with this booking request, but they are recommended.

You can mix-and-match booking options, giving you the ultimate flexibility over how patients book appointments!

  • E.g., you can use basic appointment requests for some appointments, while enabling autobooking or advanced booking for others.

Real-time appointment availability for advanced appointment requests and autobooking

Your customizable Mikata chatbot integrates with your EMR to pull all of your clinics scheduled appointments. Patients can then click through the chat and select the available appointment times they prefer to book in for.

Appointment booking chats can also be used to collect patient information related to their appointment to give the clinic access to this information ahead of time. These questions can help guide what times will be available based on the type of appointment the patient needs.

Last updated