Automated Touchpoint Example

An example of an automated reminder touchpoint is shown below:

  1. Text message: The patient receives a text message about their appointment with a link to their appointment hub.

  2. Appointment hub: When the patient opens the link attached to the text message, they will be taken to the appointment hub. Here they can view information about their appointment, complete any forms, read instructions, and confirm or request to cancel/reschedule their appointment.

  3. Chat form: If the patient has any forms to complete, they can complete a chat to collect information for their appointment.

Appointment Hub

The appointment hub is where patients can view information about their appointment, complete any forms, read instructions, and confirm or request to cancel/reschedule their appointment. The hub is completely customizable to your needs.

There are 3 sections of the appointment hub:


The appointment section includes basic information about the appointment. This can include the date, and location for the appointment, as well as the patient name.* The appointment section is also where patients confirm or request to reschedule/cancel their appointment.

*We know that sometimes having the same phone number for multiple patients can cause confusion about who the appointment is for. That's why we've included the ability to add the patient name to the appointment section of the hub!

By default, this feature is deactivated in our system until we have explicit consent from the clinic to include a patient's first name.

Your Tasks

This section is where you can include any instructions, forms, or tasks that you want patients to complete before their appointment.

Once the patient has looked through the tasks, the appointment hub will update to show "Completed".

More Details

When the patient scrolls down in the appointment hub, they will be able to see more details. This section can be customized to include any information that may be helpful for patients.

For example, we can customize this section to show specific information about parking instructions, location details, or if it's a phone call appointment, we can let patients know to be in a quiet area.

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