🧑‍💻Getting Started

We recommend trying Mika with a test appointment before using it with patients. This will help you get used to how Mika works and troubleshoot any problems ahead of time.

Ideally, you'll role-play a mock appointment, so you'll need someone to play the role of a patient. Don't have anyone available? No problem, scan one of the QR codes below to play a mock appointment on your phone.

Mock appointment audios

Open the camera app on your smartphone to scan and play one of the mock appointment QR codes below.

Acknowledgement: The mock appointment audios above are simulated medical interviews from: Fareez, F., Parikh, T., Wavell, C. et al. A dataset of simulated patient-physician medical interviews with a focus on respiratory cases. Sci Data 9, 313 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01423-1 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Ok, ready?! Here we go:

  1. Log into https://app.mikatahealth.com (Mika works best on Google Chrome web browser).

If you haven't done so already, we recommend bookmarking https://app.mikatahealth.com/

  1. Click the “Quick Start” button in the upper righthand corner of the Appointments page. This will create an appointment and take you to the appointment details page where Mika (and your note) lives.

(You can also create an appointment by clicking 'Add' and filling in the appointment details - i.e. patient name, date & time of appointment)

  1. Make sure you have patient consent, then click "Activate Mika" to start the session.

  1. Mika will automatically begin listening to your conversation (you may be prompted by your web browser to give Mika permission to access your microphone, please click Yes).

  2. Start role-playing your appointment conversation. You should see Mika begin building a transcript of the conversation in real-time.

  3. When you're finished, stop Mika by clicking the red 'stop' button in the upper righthand corner of the Appointment Details page.

  1. Mika will begin generating suggested content for your note and automatically add them into the pink placeholders in your note.

Note: The suggestions may take a moment to generate.

  1. Edit the note further, if needed. Then click 'Copy' - this will copy your note and you can paste it straight into your EMR.

Optional: Add another note

Click the + icon on the top right to add a new note and select the template you'd like Mika to use.

Click here to view a list of our Mikata templates.

Last updated