✂️Customize Your Note Template

Customize Your Note Template allows you to tailor the format, style, and content of your document templates to suit your specific needs. Whether you're making updates before, during, or after a session, this feature ensures that your notes are accurate, well-organized, and aligned with your workflow.

You can favorite templates for quick access or set a default template to be automatically applied to every future appointment, giving you even more control over your documentation.

Accessing the Customize Feature

You can access the Customize Your Note Template feature in two ways:

  • From the Note Editor: During a session or after it has finished, simply click the magic wand icon in the note editor to open the template customization options.

  • From Settings: Navigate to Settings, then go to the Scribe Templates section and click in one of the current Mikata templates.

    Once you are in the template mode, click on the "Customize template" button located at the right top corner and start editing your template. The original template will always remain in the Mikata library.

No matter which method you choose, the customization experience is the same. You’ll have access to all the tools needed to edit your templates, including formatting changes, anchor points, and real-time previews.

Cuztomizing your template

Once you access the Customize Template feature, you can:

Preview and Real-Time Editing

As you make changes to your template, a real-time preview will show you how your document will look. This helps ensure everything appears as expected before applying the changes to your note.

  1. Change Formatting and Style

Modify the headings and overall style of your template to match your preferences or clinic standards. Adjusting the formatting ensures that your notes appear professional and are structured exactly how you need them for different document types (e.g., SOAP notes, referral letters, patient handouts).

  1. Add Anchor Points

Anchor points are placeholders for specific information that Mika will populate during the note-taking process. You can insert anchor points for content like:

  • Appointment Date

  • Appointment Reason

  • Patient Name

  • Practitioner Name

  • Subjective

  • Objective

  • Assessment

  • Plan

  • Session Start/End Time

Use Case: Refining Your Notes

If Mika misses some information while transcribing your session, there's no need to type in the missing details manually. Instead, you can add an anchor point, and Mika will automatically generate the content for you. This ensures that your notes are thorough and complete without additional effort.

  1. Remove Anchor Points

If there are sections you don’t need, you can remove anchor points to prevent Mika from populating content there. This allows you to fully control where and what information is injected into your notes.

  1. Set a Default Template

If you want your custom template to be used for every appointment, pin it as the default. This ensures that your preferred template is automatically generated every time.

  1. Favorite a Template

To make your favorite template easily accessible, click on the heart icon. Favoriting a template adds it to a special list for quick access.

Once you're satisfied with your template adjustments, click "Update Template" to apply the changes to your current document. You can also choose to favorite or set it as the default template for future use, making your workflow smoother and more consistent.

Managing your Templates

You can create multiple custom templates tailored to different types of documents or situations and you can find and manage all of them in the Scribe Templates section within settings, or by clicking "Add document" or "View all documents" in the note editor.

Important Notes

  • Personal Templates Only Your custom templates are strictly personal, meaning they cannot be shared with others.

  • Reverting to the Original Template If you ever wish to go back to the standard Mika template, simply delete your customized version. The original template will always remain available in the Mika library.

Last updated