📄Note Templates

To add a new note template to an appointment, click on "Add document" at the top or "View all documents" to access your library choose a template you'd like Mika to use.


It's your choice which template you use and you're more than welcome to use multiple.

We recommend trying out different templates to find the one that works best for you!

SOAP Note - Basic (Highest Quality) 🏆

This is our highest quality SOAP note, and your default note type.

SOAP Note - Basic (Fastest) 🏃‍♂️

This SOAP note is faster than the 'SOAP Note - Basic (Highest Quality)', but the quality of this note may be lower, especially for shorter conversations. This means that the note may be:

  • More repetitious

  • Less well-organized

  • More likely to have hallucinations

SOAP Note - Multi-problem 🗂️

This SOAP note is perfect for appointments where your patient brings up multiple issues during the session.

Referral Letter - Prose 📝

This referral letter is written as prose.

Referral Letter - Point Form 📋

This referral letter is written in point form.

Patient Handout 🧑

This template generates a patient-friendly summary of the appointment that you can share with your patients.

Are you looking for a new template? Would you like to set a different template as your default?

Click here to send us your requests!

If you're looking to create a new template, please include 3-5 de-identified examples of the template you are looking for in your request.

Last updated