The Appointment Requests Inbox is available to clinics who have the Appointment Requests or Appointment Booking feature enabled in Mikata.
List of requests submitted by patients through appointment booking/request chat
Created at
Date and time that patient submitted the request
Displays patient name, phone number, and PHN (if available)
Displays patient’s appointment location/ preferred appointment location
New appointment request: Displays patient’s appointment reason(s)
Reschedule/cancel: Displays that this is a reschedule/cancel request
Displays patient’s preferred appointment days/times
Booked status
Displays the request’s status
Displays files uploaded by patient (if available)
Assigned to
Displays clinic user assigned to work on request (if anyone)
Click the link to assign/unassign the request to yourself or another Mikata user
Request details link
Click the link to open the request details page for that request
You can change the status of the request by clicking on the status on the requests page or at the top of the request details page.
These statuses are only meant to be used to keep track of bookings - switching this status to "Booked" will not book the appointment. Once the appointment has been switched from "Ready" to any of the booked statuses, other than 'Waiting on input', it will move to the Archived section (this can be reversed by going into Archived and switching the status back to "Ready").
Separates requests by status
Ready, Waiting on input
Booked, Auto Booked, Unable to book, Insufficient info, Not a request
Combination of all request statuses
Chat Summary
Summary of information submitted by the patient in appointment request/ booking chat
Files uploaded by the patient (if available)
Files can be downloaded to your computer as PDFs
NOTE: files expire after 30 days
Chat report
A condensed version of the information submitted by the patient in the appointment request/ booking chat (e.g., Answers to follow-up questions)
Chat transcript
Exhaustive transcript of messages sent between Mikata and the patient
Timeline of changes made to a patient's appointments, online requests or demographics
Scroll to see all changes, use the Oldest to Newest or Newest to Oldest to sort the timeline or use 'Command + F' to search.
Assigned & Booked status
Displays clinic user assigned to work on request (if anyone) and the request’s status
Click to change
Filter the Requests inbox by assignee(s). Simply click the dropdown to display a list of users to filter by, and click the individual users to select them.
Once happy with the selection, clicking ‘Apply’ will cause the table to refresh with the filters applied.
If you need to refresh the Appointment Requests table click the refresh button 🔄 . This will trigger an instant refresh of the appointment requests table with the current filters still applied. Although the table already refreshes every 30 seconds, this button was added for those who prefer a more immediate response.
If your clinic has this enabled, direct messages to patients are able to be sent with a link to book an appointment or to upload images and forms.
There are two main use cases for this:
A patient is on the phone trying to book their appointment and you need them to upload a form (e.g. requisition) or image (e.g. photos of areas of concern). Solution: You can use the ‘Send Request’ button to send the patient a link to upload the info you need.
You have a busy reception and a patient was unable to book their next appointment (in-person or over the phone). Solution: When you have a moment, you can use the ‘Send Request’ button to send the patient a link to an appointment request chat, where they can book their appointment.
How it works:
Select the template you want to send, fill in the patient's phone number and/or email address, and assign the task to yourself or someone on your team.
Click ‘Send Appointment Request Link’. The patient will receive the message instantly and can begin filling in their appointment request.
If you want to add or change an appointment request template, submit a request here.